Fantastic Fan Vent Installation On Photography Cargo Trailer Conversion
Greetings and Salutations all!
We had a really nice warm 70 degree February day so I took the opportunity to install the fantastic fan vent on our 6×14 Cargo Trailer Camper Conversion photography office and base camp. This was a job I was not looking forward to tackling. Mainly because of having to scrape off the sealer on the old vent to put this new fan in.
The first attempt was to heat a putty scraper with a torch and thought this would work well as I had seen in a post somewhere. In defense to this, it was very windy and the torch ran out of gas a little after starting. So next I tried a razor blade scraper and that worked extremely well.
This fan does not have a thermostat but I am going to try and put a wall mount Honeywell thermostat that I have. The old kind not a new digital type.
Did not get to mount the hood on top of it but all the hardware is in place just have to wait for fresh fallen snow to melt to do it. 🙁
On the next nice day I will take the cargo trailer and use it to pick up all the lumber and needed supplies from Home Depot and Lowes. It will be a pain as I have a pop up camper that sits in front of where the Cargo Trailer sits. So I have to hook up the Pop Up, put it in the garage, hook up the cargo trailer head to the store get the supplies, put the supplies in the garage, put the cargo trailer back, unhook… hook up pop up put it back in front of the trailer. I am exhausted just thinking about it.
(The plan is to sell the pop up in the late spring. Winter is not the time to sell camping gear.) 🙂
After all that is done then I can start to wire, put installation in the ceiling then skin that. Another job I am not looking forward to as I am a one man band. Will have to make some T boards out of 2×4’s to help hold things up. Once this is all done the rest should move pretty fast.
Anyway here is a video of the event.
Here is what I used for the install.
Fan-Tastic Vent 801250 1250 Series Vent – White
Dicor 501LSW-1 Lap Sealant – 10.3 oz.
Dicor BT-1834-1 1/8″ x 3/4″ x 30′ Butyl Seal Tape
Fan-Tastic Vent U1500BL Ultra Breeze Vent Cover – Black
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Bo is a professional photographer of over 30 years experience and his work has been published on television, magazines and newspapers worldwide. Also a 30 year veteran of storm chasing specializing in lightning thunderstorms.