Flat Tire on My Fat Tire Lectic XP eBike Slime-Me
What is your plan in case you get a flat tire on the trail or road? Please leave a comment below.
URL to video above if player does not show – https://youtu.be/D26GpAKre74
Went out for a leisure ride and did not film it. Well it turned into a longer ride than I expected. This Lectric Xp eBike you want to ride and ride and ride. Cause it is so much fun.
I ended up on the St Vain Open Space Trail that follows the St Vrain River. Fantastic ride.
The problem is right in the middle it is closed so there is a detour off the path and on to the street in a bad area that tends to have a lot of junk on the street.

Well I got a flat from a push pin tack. The back tire went flat really quickly.
Luckily I was able to take an Uber that saved me. The full story is in the video above.
But Now I have a plan in place for just in case.
I suggest the first thing you do with any bike is slime both tires.
Slime Tube Repair Sealant, 16 oz. https://amzn.to/2RUgTxz I put 8oz in each tire.
Tire Inflator Sealer
I carry a can of this to seal and inflate. Would much rather have an easy fix without removing the tire to get home to then replace the tube.
Ultra Instant Bike Tire Inflator Sealer https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ultra-Instant-Bike-Tire-Inflator-Sealer-6-oz/19801135
Fix-A-Flat https://amzn.to/3iWpwUj
Tuffy Lines
Also I plan to use Tuffy liners. These are great I have used them before and never got a flat.
Fat Bike Tire Tube Protectors – Mr. Tuffy https://amzn.to/33VoXDB
Carry a spare tube also.
Bike Tube for Fat Tire https://amzn.to/362vUW7
Roadside Bicycle Repair Tool Kit https://amzn.to/3mFcXyK
Bike Pumps and Co2 Inflatores
Bike Pump Portable https://amzn.to/32XaJTq
CO2 Inflators Kit https://amzn.to/2HqYTJb
CO2 Cartridges 16g or 25g Threaded | 5 Pack https://amzn.to/2ZYk0ZG

Check out Bo’s Fine Art Photography Gallery. A lightning Storm chaser for over 30 years.
Bo’s Fine Art Photography iGallery, Wall Art and Gifts:
https://www.james-insogna.pixels.com or shortcut http://www.MrBo.com
Window View Art

Equipment I used to make this video;
GoPro Hero 8 – https://amzn.to/2CB1LkF
Sony A7r II – https://amzn.to/347A9ie
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Bo is a professional photographer of over 30 years experience and his work has been published on television, magazines and newspapers worldwide. Also a 30 year veteran of storm chasing specializing in lightning thunderstorms.